Our shipping rates depend on the carrier used, the destination zip code and the total weight of your shipment. One easy way to get an estimate is to use our online shopping cart. Add the items you want, checkout, select the shipping method and you will then see the shipping rate. This can be done without actually placing the order.
Orders are processed in the order that they are received and shipped out accordingly. Shipping times will vary based on the address provided on the order. Some exclusions may apply, including large bulk orders, orders placed Friday through Sunday (may take extra days to process), or orders that require us to reach out to the customer before invoicing.
Delivery time is calculated according to actual "business days" and may not include weekends or holidays. These delivery times are estimated by the carrier and are not guaranteed.
Out-of-stock items
We cannot back-order items for shipping at a later date.
Occasionally popular items sell out before we can update their status on the pages of our website. In the event you have placed an order with us an ordered items that are out-of-stock, we will email or call you to notify you that we are out of stock on those items and we will be unable to ship those items to you. We will refund you within 5-14 days. We then request that you make a new order for the out-of-stock item when it returns to inventory. Since the item will be shipped to separately from your original order, we ask you to please be aware that each shipment will incur separate shipping costs as are applicable to the volume of product being sent.
Free shipping
Orders of $250.00 or more that are addressed to a physical location (sorry, no PO Boxes) and that are being sent within the contiguous United States qualify for FREE USPS Ground shipping.
Please understand that if you are using a coupon and it drops your order total below the $250.00 amount you will be disqualified for free shipping. You can however increase your order total by adding more items to your cart until the total after any coupon discount is $250.00 or more.
Hassle-Free Returns
We not only guarantee the quality of our products, we also guarantee your satisfaction. If you are not 100% satisfied with your order, be assured that, with your assistance, we will resolve the problem quickly and easily. We will promptly issue a refund, credit, or replacement – whichever you prefer. However, we do not refund any special order items or shipping charges.
To ensure that your returns are handled quickly and effectively, please be prepared to provide the order number, invoice number, and a brief reason for the return.
Please follow the brief instructions and requirements listed below:
- Customer Service must approve all returns and will do so by email. Please contact us at
- To receive full credit, you must contact Customer Service within 30 days of the invoice date. No credit or returns are allowed after 30 days.
- No returns will be accepted for special order items.
Damaged Packages
We go to great lengths to ensure that your order is correct, properly packaged, and well protected. Despite our best efforts, damage sometimes occurs during transit. If any of your items are damaged, please contact us immediately at so that we can assist you.
Tracking Your Orders
Tracking your orders placed at is easy. Once we have completed your order, you will receive an email or text message from us containing your tracking number which you can use to track your package.